A Better Way
The Bridge Way
Through a process of continuous improvement, Bridge has developed a home care and hospice operating model that maximizes revenue and profits, while increasing patient satisfaction and successful outcomes.
We’ve spent the last 20 years refining this model, and we guarantee it with our Platinum Performance Guarantee.
The Bridge Model guarantees to:
✓ Deliver Personal, Quality Care.
We understand that delivering skilled nursing services in the home requires a different approach than delivering quality care in a hospital. Our extensive home care and hospice experience ensures the best care possible for your patients.
✓ Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalization.
A proactive, home-based continuum of care for hospital patients has never been more important. Bridge has built specialty clinical programs to assist hospitals in reducing readmissions for CHF, diabetes, COPD, pneumonia, MI and other conditions. Combined with palliative home care, chronic illness treatment is improved and rehospitalizations are decreased.
✓ Maximize Reimbursements.
With the dramatic cuts in reimbursement for patients rehospitalized within 30 days, it is critical that hospitals focus on quality, patient-centered attention in the home environment – which is our specialty.
✓ Build Business Efficiencies.
Our model addresses the critical areas of marketing, patient capture rate, staffing, compensation, case load and back-office efficiency. Our model builds a strategic, efficient and high-functioning business operation.
✓ Code for Accurate, Higher Reimbursements.
The Bridge approach to Oasis review and coding leads to higher quality scores; increased star ratings and accurate, higher reimbursement. This ensures services are being accurately coded, and thus adequately reimbursed.
✓ Harness Technology.
World-class technology plays an important role in the Bridge model – our use of iPads and a cloud computing solution contribute greatly to overall accuracy and time management.